Kathy Kenney
EIP Teacher
(478) 988-6170
Courses and Grade Levels Taught:
Pre-K/ MAES/ 4 years/ All subject areas
Kindergarten/MAES/ 3 years/ All subject areas
Kindergarten/ LRES/ 1 year/ All subject areas
Third Grade/ MAES/ 6 years/ All subject areas
Early Intervention Program/ MAES/1 year/ Reading and Math
![staff photo staff photo](https://content.myconnectsuite.com/api/documents/f1cff813c3714ff9a635d0246d521fcf.jpg)
Mrs. Kenney is a product of the Houston County School System. She graduated from Perry High School, class of 2002. She graduated from Georgia Southwestern State University with her Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education and her Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Mrs. Kenney has been a part of the Matt Arthur team for 14 years.